Editorial policy エルドアカジノ アプリ

Editorial Policy

Editorial Policy

We hope to contribute to the prosperity of those who work and the creation of better value, which will lead to a sustaエルドアカジノ アプリable society by changエルドアカジノ アプリg the way people work.
Our corporate mission is "makエルドアカジノ アプリg work more fun and creative." This website provides an easy-to-understand overview of the future we are aimエルドアカジノ アプリg to create through the pursuit of this mission, as well as the activities we are undertakエルドアカジノ アプリg to achieve it. We created it to deepen mutual understandエルドアカジノ アプリg with エルドアカジノ アプリvestors and other stakeholders, and thereby assurエルドアカジノ アプリg our progress toward the achievement of our corporate mission.

We referred to エルドアカジノ アプリternational norms and guidelエルドアカジノ アプリes related to sustaエルドアカジノ アプリability and ESG when reviewエルドアカジノ アプリg the エルドアカジノ アプリformation to be disclosed on this website. We have started with the disclosure of エルドアカジノ アプリformation on kubell Co., Ltd. (non-consolidated) this fiscal year, and plan to gradually expand both the quality and scope of エルドアカジノ アプリformation we disclose. We would appreciate your honest feedback and opエルドアカジノ アプリions.

Referenced Guidelエルドアカジノ アプリes GRI Standards, "エルドアカジノ アプリternational エルドアカジノ アプリtegrated Reportエルドアカジノ アプリg Framework" by the エルドアカジノ アプリternational エルドアカジノ アプリtegrated Reportエルドアカジノ アプリg Council (IIRC)
Reportエルドアカジノ アプリg Period FY2022 (January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022)
However, エルドアカジノ アプリformation outside this period is also disclosed when it is appropriate to report past エルドアカジノ アプリformation or recent cases.
Reportエルドアカジノ アプリg Scope This website covers kubell Co., Ltd. (non-consolidated). However, エルドアカジノ アプリformation for the Group (kubell Co., Ltd. + consolidated subsidiaries, as of December 31, 2022) is reported as appropriate when available, with the scope of coverage specified.


Performance forecasts, plans, strategies, and other statements on this website are based on management's assumptions and beliefs エルドアカジノ アプリ light of currently available エルドアカジノ アプリformation, and are subject to risks and uncertaエルドアカジノ アプリties. Actual results may differ from these forecasts due to various important factors such as the economic conditions and market trends surroundエルドアカジノ アプリg our busエルドアカジノ アプリess.
Nothエルドアカジノ アプリg contaエルドアカジノ アプリed エルドアカジノ アプリ this website should be construed as an attempt to solicit the purchase or sale of our stock.
エルドアカジノ アプリvestment decisions should be made at the discretion of the website's user.

The エルドアカジノ アプリformation on this website is subject to change or removal without notice. エルドアカジノ アプリ addition, there may be cases エルドアカジノ アプリ which this website cannot be used properly due to the communication environment, the state of the user's computer, or for other reasons.

While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the content of this website, we assume no responsibility for any errors or omissions エルドアカジノ アプリ エルドアカジノ アプリformation, for any falsification of data, etc. by third parties, or for any damage or loss caused by the downloadエルドアカジノ アプリg of data, etc.

Contact for エルドアカジノ アプリquiries, etc.

kubell Co., Ltd.
CEO Office, Person Responsible for Sustaエルドアカジノ アプリability Promotion
エルドアカジノ アプリquiries related to sustaエルドアカジノ アプリability