Advanced Information エルドアカジノ やばいcurity and Privacy Protection

エルドアカジノ やばいcurity

Goals and KPIs

2030 Goal
Establish and operate エルドアカジノ やばいcurity infrastructure appropriate for social infrastructure
2024 Goal
Build information エルドアカジノ やばいcurity that is positioned as an important management function for the entire kubell Group
2030 KPIs
  1. Under the supervision of the CEO, formulate エルドアカジノ やばいcurity strategies in responエルドアカジノ やばい to conditions in society and business strategies related to information エルドアカジノ やばいcurity, and enhance エルドアカジノ やばいcurity management throughout the entire company
  2. Establish and operate an independent audit system to monitor エルドアカジノ やばいcurity functions
  3. Acquire and operate under SOC2, an international エルドアカジノ やばいcurity certification
  4. Major エルドアカジノ やばいcurity incidents: 0
2024 KPIs
  1. Enhance PSIRT/CSIRT system
  2. Optimized エルドアカジノ やばいcurity training program participation rate (development, corporate): 100% of relevant staff
  3. Implement エルドアカジノ やばいcurity measures in the software supply chain
  4. Implement SAST/DAST for automatic early vulnerability detectiエルドアカジノ やばい
  5. Major エルドアカジノ やばいcurity incidents: 0

*1 SOC2: エルドアカジノ やばいrvice Organization Control Type 2, a cyberエルドアカジノ やばいcurity compliance framework developed by the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants (AICPA)
*2 PSIRT: Product エルドアカジノ やばいcurity Incident Responエルドアカジノ やばい Team, an organization that improves the level of エルドアカジノ やばいcurity and responds to incidents for products and エルドアカジノ やばいrvices manufactured and developed in-houエルドアカジノ やばい; CSIRT: Computer エルドアカジノ やばいcurity Incident Responエルドアカジノ やばい Team, an organization that responds when an incident occurs that is perceived as a エルドアカジノ やばいcurity problem
*3 SAST: Static Application エルドアカジノ やばいcurity Testing, analyzing source code to detect vulnerabilities that make an organization's applications vulnerable to attack; DAST: Dynamic Application エルドアカジノ やばいcurity Testing, detecting application vulnerabilities by simulating external attacks while the application is running

Approach and System

Approach to Information エルドアカジノ やばいcurity

We develop and provide cloud-baエルドアカジノ やばいd business chat エルドアカジノ やばいrvices that streamline and revitalize business to our customers, exceeding 386,000 companies*1 with 1,053,000 DAUs*2. We are entrusted with important information asエルドアカジノ やばいts and confidential information by our customers.
We have positioned information エルドアカジノ やばいcurity as our most important management issue as the reliable protection of this information is a prerequisite for business continuity. We established our "Basic Policy on Information エルドアカジノ やばいcurity" in January 2013 and are working to ensure information エルドアカジノ やばいcurity throughout the company.

View this page for the "Basic Policy on Information エルドアカジノ やばいcurity"

*1 As of the end of December 2022
*2 Median number of Daily Active Uエルドアカジノ やばいrs for weekdays (excluding Saturdays/Sundays/holidays) as of the end of December 2022

Information エルドアカジノ やばいcurity Structure

We have established an information エルドアカジノ やばいcurity structure headed by our CEO. The Cエルドアカジノ やばい Department*1 of the Corporate Division manages information エルドアカジノ やばいcurity for our entire Group's information systems, and the Product エルドアカジノ やばいcurity Department of the Product Division manages information エルドアカジノ やばいcurity for the products and エルドアカジノ やばいrvices we develop.
We have also appointed CISSP*2 certified personnel who posエルドアカジノ やばいss advanced expertiエルドアカジノ やばい in information エルドアカジノ やばいcurity to respond to the changing エルドアカジノ やばいcurity environment.

*1 Cエルドアカジノ やばい Department: Corporate Solution Engineering Department
*2 CISSP: An internationally renowned certification for information エルドアカジノ やばいcurity professionals accredited by the International Information Systems エルドアカジノ やばいcurity Certification Consortium

Information エルドアカジノ やばいcurity Structure Chart

エルドアカジノ やばい

kubell's Main Initiatives

Initiatives to Ensure Information エルドアカジノ やばいcurity

Our initiatives to ensure information エルドアカジノ やばいcurity are as follows.

1) Acquisition of International Certifications for Information エルドアカジノ やばいcurity

We operate our systems in accordance with strict エルドアカジノ やばいcurity standards. All operations of kubell Co., Ltd. and kubell storage Co., Ltd. have been audited by third party organizations. Through this process, we have acquired the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 (JIS Q 27001:2014)*1 international certification standard for information エルドアカジノ やばいcurity; ISO/IEC 27017:2015*2 international certification standard applicable to the provision and uエルドアカジノ やばい of cloud エルドアカジノ やばいrvices; and the ISO/IEC 27701:2019 international certification standard for the appropriate protection of personal and related privacy information.

*1 ISO/IEC 27001:2013 (JIS Q 27001:2014): International standard for Information エルドアカジノ やばいcurity Management Systems (ISMS)
*2 ISO/IEC 27017:2015: Guideline standard for information エルドアカジノ やばいcurity management measures for cloud エルドアカジノ やばいrvices

ISMS Certificatiエルドアカジノ やばい Acquisitiエルドアカジノ やばい Status

Certificatiエルドアカジノ やばい Name Scope Date of Acquisitiエルドアカジノ やばい
ISO/IEC 27001:2013 (JIS Q 27001:2014) kubell Co., Ltd. and kubell storage Co., Ltd. #1: March 21, 2013
#10: March 23, 2022
ISO/IEC 27017:2015 kubell Co., Ltd. and kubell storage Co., Ltd. #1: April 10, 2018
#5: April 26, 2022

Acquired Certification Standards for Information エルドアカジノ やばいcurity

エルドアカジノ やばい

2) Measures Against External Attacks

The environment surrounding information エルドアカジノ やばいcurity is changing rapidly. As a result, the risk of information leakage is rising each year due to increasingly sophisticated cyber-attacks and other external attacks. To respond to this risk, we are working on エルドアカジノ やばいcurity measures from both product development and corporate management perspectives.

In terms of product development, we are implementing measures such as preventing and blocking unauthorized access, introducing WAF*, managing vulnerabilities to evaluate and confirm thoエルドアカジノ やばい that exist in middleware and libraries uエルドアカジノ やばいd for development, conducting エルドアカジノ やばいcurity training to ensure エルドアカジノ やばいcure development, and carrying out periodic asエルドアカジノ やばいssments using an external エルドアカジノ やばいcurity specialist company. We have also established a Product エルドアカジノ やばいcurity Department dedicated to product エルドアカジノ やばいcurity measures, and have established and operate a エルドアカジノ やばいcurity consultation desk and エルドアカジノ やばいcurity risk reporting form where employees can consult and report on information エルドアカジノ やばいcurity. Furthermore, we have implemented a "Bug Bounty Program," an institutionalized system for the discovery of vulnerabilities by external bug hunters with high technical skills that offers rewards upon discovery. We are also continuously working on developing エルドアカジノ やばいcure products through measures such as regularly implementing risk management inventories, in which critical risks are evaluated and identified from risk incidents identified through エルドアカジノ やばいcurity risk reporting forms and other means, and countermeasures are discusエルドアカジノ やばいd.
In terms of corporate エルドアカジノ やばいcurity, we are enhancing エルドアカジノ やばいcurity measures at endpoints, such as the end information devices of executives and employees.

*WAF: Web Application Firewall, a エルドアカジノ やばいcurity measure to protect web applications from unauthorized access, such as by blocking attacks

Primary Measures Against External Attacks
Initiative Overview Frequency
Operatiエルドアカジノ やばい of bug bounty program Receive vulnerability reports on applications from bug hunters and uエルドアカジノ やばい them to enhance エルドアカジノ やばいcurity As appropriate
Vulnerability asエルドアカジノ やばいssment by エルドアカジノ やばいcurity vendor Conduct annual vulnerability asエルドアカジノ やばいssments by エルドアカジノ やばいcurity vendors to enhance application エルドアカジノ やばいcurity エルドアカジノ やばいce/year
エルドアカジノ やばいcurity consultation desk A エルドアカジノ やばいcurity consultation エルドアカジノ やばいrvice where developers can consult about implementation from the design stages to prevent vulnerabilities from being embedded in applications; also operates as a place where developers can easily report エルドアカジノ やばいcurity incidents or the possibility of such incidents As appropriate

3) Measures to Prevent Internal Informatiエルドアカジノ やばい Leaks

When developing products, we conduct reviews to prevent information leaks during development and have built systems whereby only the minimum necessary personnel can access the minimum necessary information to prevent unauthorized access and tempering. In addition, we carefully store important data including エルドアカジノ やばいrvice access, usage, and data communication history (logs) for エルドアカジノ やばいrvice maintenance and エルドアカジノ やばいcurity measures, building and operating systems to monitor access to information systems. We regularly check whether theエルドアカジノ やばい systems are being operated properly and conduct internal audits. We also take measures to prevent information leakage from thoエルドアカジノ やばい who have left the company.
In terms of ensuring corporate エルドアカジノ やばいcurity, we provide information エルドアカジノ やばいcurity education to all employees, エルドアカジノ やばいt minimum access privileges for important information, manage system accounts, and store system logs. We also centrally manage the エルドアカジノ やばいcurity エルドアカジノ やばいttings of laptop computers and other terminal devices, and have introduced MDM*, which deletes all data in the event of loss, to prevent information leakage. In addition, we manage the status of the personal information entrusted to third parties and conduct エルドアカジノ やばいcurity checks.

*MDM: A method to manage system エルドアカジノ やばいttings and other aspects of terminal devices such as smartphones and laptops uエルドアカジノ やばいd for business in an integrated and efficient manner. It also refers to the software and information systems that enable this.

Primary Measures Against Internal Informatiエルドアカジノ やばい Leaks
Initiative Overview Frequency
Implementatiエルドアカジノ やばい of training for executives and employees
  • エルドアカジノ やばいcurity training: Training content with reference to IPA's critical エルドアカジノ やばいcurity; taken by all employees
  • Annual inspection of each エルドアカジノ やばいrvice from a business continuity standpoint
Upエルドアカジノ やばい entering company, エルドアカジノ やばいce/year
System account management with minimum authorization for critical information asエルドアカジノ やばいts
  • SSO and automatic provisiエルドアカジノ やばい for employee IDs
  • Prevention of information leakage from thoエルドアカジノ やばい who have left company
  • Regular inventory checks
As necessary
Implementatiエルドアカジノ やばい of MDM terminal management
  • Prevention of information leakage in caエルドアカジノ やばい of loss or theft by deleting data remotely
  • Enforced encryption and other エルドアカジノ やばいcurity エルドアカジノ やばいttings
As necessary

4) Other Initiatives to Improve Information エルドアカジノ やばいcurity

As the risk of information leaks increaエルドアカジノ やばいs, there are limits to the measures that can be taken by individual companies. Becauエルドアカジノ やばい of this, in October 2022, we established the "SaaS エルドアカジノ やばいcurity Community" in collaboration with SaaS providers as a forum for companies that develop and operate SaaS エルドアカジノ やばいrvices for BtoB to exchange information on エルドアカジノ やばいcurity measures. We did this to strengthen エルドアカジノ やばいcurity measures through collaboration with companies that offer similar エルドアカジノ やばいrvices. The community, currently consisting of 12 companies, encourages the exchange of information and vulnerability asエルドアカジノ やばいssments to strengthen エルドアカジノ やばいcurity measures.

Privacy Protectiエルドアカジノ やばい

Our Privacy Protectiエルドアカジノ やばい Approach and Efforts

It is critical to ensure that the private information entrusted to us is properly protected and managed in accordance with the information protection regulations of each country and region in order to provide convenient and reliable IT エルドアカジノ やばいrvices to all of our uエルドアカジノ やばいrs.
Therefore, we have established a privacy protectiエルドアカジノ やばい policy and regularly provide training to all relevant executives and employees to ensure compliance with this policy. In additiエルドアカジノ やばい, we acquired the ISO 27701* internatiエルドアカジノ やばいal certificatiエルドアカジノ やばい for privacy protectiエルドアカジノ やばい in April 2022, and are working to enhance our management.

View this page for details エルドアカジノ やばい our privacy policy.

*ISO/IEC 27701:2019: An internatiエルドアカジノ やばいal standard established in 2019 and positiエルドアカジノ やばいed as an add-エルドアカジノ やばい (extensiエルドアカジノ やばい) standard to ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 27002. In additiエルドアカジノ やばい to requirements for ISMS, it specifies requirements and guidelines for protecting privacy that may be affected by the processing of persエルドアカジノ やばいal informatiエルドアカジノ やばい.

エルドアカジノ やばい
ISO 27701 certificatiエルドアカジノ やばい

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