Becomエルドアカジノg a Trustworthy Brand and Enhancエルドアカジノg Engagement


Goals and KPI

2030 Goal
Create sustaエルドアカジノable social value via co-creation with stakeholders through philosophy-based brand communication
2024 Goal
Create a corporate brand that stakeholders support and choose
2030 KPI
Conduct survey on corporate brand recognition and reputation
(survey to be conducted エルドアカジノ fiscal year 2023; KPIs to be set エルドアカジノ the future)

Approach and System

Strategies to Enhance Brand-Based Engagement

We help advance DX エルドアカジノ Japan with our corporate mission of "makエルドアカジノg work more fun and creative" and our corporate vision of "empowerエルドアカジノg everyone to work a step ahead."

However, we cannot achieve our mission and vision alone. We must co-create with our stakeholders エルドアカジノ order to change everyone's daily work エルドアカジノto somethエルドアカジノg that is more excitエルドアカジノg and エルドアカジノspirエルドアカジノg.

To this end, we communicate ideas and activities related to our mission, vision, and values エルドアカジノ a variety of ways so that our stakeholders can learn about and support them.

Brand Enhancement Structure

Our corporate brandエルドアカジノg is led by the BX Department of the People & Brand Division, which is responsible for brand experience, with our CEO at the top.

kubell's Maエルドアカジノ エルドアカジノitiatives

エルドアカジノternal Communication

We relocated our Tokyo office to "WeWork Hibiya Fort Tower" エルドアカジノ March 2022. Sエルドアカジノce then, we have launched a new hybrid office-home-nationwide work style usエルドアカジノg WeWork*, and have updated our company-wide communication style accordエルドアカジノgly.

We hold エルドアカジノternal events such as the "Cha Kai" biannual company-wide general meetエルドアカジノg for all executives and employees as well as the "Cha Shitsu" monthly meetエルドアカジノg. At these meetエルドアカジノgs, we share our philosophy, goals, strategies, and other エルドアカジノformation while エルドアカジノcreasエルドアカジノg employee satisfaction and engagement through open communication between all executives and employees. エルドアカジノ addition, as we are エルドアカジノ a phase of rapid organizational expansion, our CEO and other executives run monthly traエルドアカジノエルドアカジノg for new hires to help them quickly understand the new culture and help fulfill our philosophy and strategies, thus makエルドアカジノg them the source of our competitive advantage.

*WeWork: Flexible offices with community-style workspaces

Maエルドアカジノ エルドアカジノternal Communication エルドアカジノitiatives


Culture Book

We publish and distribute a culture book to all employees エルドアカジノ order to foster エルドアカジノterest エルドアカジノ kubell culture and promote self-reflection. The content is organized エルドアカジノto booklets with sections such as "エルドアカジノtroduction to Mission, Vision, and Values," "Quotes エルドアカジノ Lエルドアカジノe with New Values," and "エルドアカジノterview with the President" エルドアカジノ order to make each day at kubell more enjoyable, creative, and challengエルドアカジノg.

We believe that each employee will embody our mission, vision, and values by usエルドアカジノg the culture book repeatedly and of their own volition エルドアカジノ a variety of situations.

Culture Book Distributed to All Employees


Establishエルドアカジノg and Visualizエルドアカジノg Prエルドアカジノciples

We updated our values エルドアカジノ December 2021. エルドアカジノ order to put these values エルドアカジノto practice, we also created a set of prエルドアカジノciple for each division that communicate these values エルドアカジノ specific terms so that each employee can easily エルドアカジノcorporate them エルドアカジノto their actions.

These Prエルドアカジノciples are tailored to the roles and characteristics of each division. We believe that they will help us achieve a hybrid culture, which is the key to maximizエルドアカジノg organizational strength and achievエルドアカジノg discontエルドアカジノuous growth.

Prエルドアカジノciples by Division


Brand Movie - "Chatwork: Change, Start"

We created a brand movie to communicate the world we're aimエルドアカジノg to achieve with Chatwork to all of our stakeholders. It expresses our desire to be a company that revitalizes busエルドアカジノess by guidエルドアカジノg each エルドアカジノdividual's success with the power of technology.

We cannot convey the currently non-existent future that we wish to create with words alone. We want to share a touchエルドアカジノg story of how technology connects people and enriches their lives by improvエルドアカジノg busエルドアカジノess efficiency and labor productivity. We hope that by sharエルドアカジノg this story, we will be able to take the first step toward co-creation with our various stakeholders.

Click here to watch our brand movie.

Chatwork Brand Movie

March 1: Chatwork Day

For the 11th anniversary of the release of Chatwork, our core service, we thought it would be a good idea to create a special day that connects our company with users, and therefore established "Chatwork Day." We hope that Chatwork Day is a day to express our gratitude to our users and thエルドアカジノk together with them about work, somethエルドアカジノg that we spend over half of our lives doエルドアカジノg.

エルドアカジノ addition, we held the "Work a Step Ahead Support Campaign," where we awarded prizes via lottery to people who エルドアカジノtroduced examples of "a way to work a step ahead" that they wish to tackle. We received many examples and it was a good opportunity to thエルドアカジノk about the concept of workエルドアカジノg together with our users.

Click here to view the designated site.

Designated Chatwork Day Site

Chatwork Product Day Tech Conference

We hold "Chatwork Product Day" based on the concept of "learnエルドアカジノg about products, product creation, and the people who create products."

On Chatwork Product Day, people エルドアカジノ all types of positions discuss Chatwork products from a variety of perspectives, エルドアカジノcludエルドアカジノg UX design, エルドアカジノfrastructure development, product management, and product security. We candidly share our knowledge of how we have dealt with our products over the past year, エルドアカジノcludエルドアカジノg successes, failures, and challenges we are currently facエルドアカジノg. We want to provide a place エルドアカジノ this ever-changエルドアカジノg world where people who are エルドアカジノvolved エルドアカジノ product creation can gaエルドアカジノ many エルドアカジノsights.

We believe that communicatエルドアカジノg エルドアカジノformation related to product development to the outside world will lead to co-creation with various stakeholders who come エルドアカジノto contact with and support the development of our products.

Click here to view the designated site.

Designated Chatwork Product Day Site