Life at Flatiron

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Flatiron is marking Engineers Week, which for decades has been an occasion to celebrate all the contributions engineers make. This year’s theme is “Creating the Future,” and we are taking the occasion to spotlight 22bet reviewhow our team is creating solutions and mentoring the next generation of engineers.

Founded in 1951, Engineers Week is an annual celebration “dedicated to ensuring a diverse and well-educated future engineering workforce by increasing understanding of and interest in engineering and technology careers.”

This year’s theme is Creating the Future. More specifically, an opportunity to look at how engineers play a vital role in innovating solutions.

Flatiron is fully committed to that noble mission.

This week we look forward to introducing you to 22bet sportsbook reviewsome of our world-class engineers, and how they are doing their part to create a better tomorrow.

For more on how Flatiron is carrying on the ethos of Engineers Week, watch this video from Vice President of Technical Services Dr. Taner Aydogmus.

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Engineers Week: Investing 22bet reviewin Our People as We Create the Future